Offensive Projects

Learn the techniques, explore the tools, and cultivate the mindset of an offensive security practitioner.

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Offensive Projects List

Search for your next offensive project idea related to cybersecurity. All kinds skill levels are included in the following list below.

Click the project title for more details about the project.

NOTE: Cybercademy and its affiliates do not promote the use of the following ideas for unethical and illegal uses, we do not take responsibility for the use of, promotion, or spread of the following ideas with the intent of illegitimate and illegal uses. We assume these project ideas and descriptions are used only for the purpose of at-home learning.

The Hack The Box Walkthrough Project

Explore the various types of tools and techniques used to start developing the mindset of an attacker. Using Hack The Box’s difficulty options, start with novice boxes and work your way up to more advanced exercises. Read write-ups and follow online walkthrough tutorials along your journey when first beginning.

Vulnerable Machine Challenges

Use a service like Vulnhub, TryHackMe, CyberSecLabs, or Hack the Box. Download vulnerable virtual machines. Probe for and analyze vulnerabilities.

The Information Gathering Project

Learn methods to gather important and useful information. Utilize a suite of information gathering tools to learn more about the network, application, or scope of your pentest.

The Complete Wireless Attack Project

Explore the types of attacks performed on wireless networks. Using a wireless attacking tool, practice performing the types of attacks on a practice network.

Password Attack Challenge

What makes a password unbreakable? Develop a list of passwords ranging in length and character complexity. Using a password attack tool, try cracking the passwords you have developed.

The Sniffing Spoofing Project

Use a popular sniffing and spoofing tool to collect and analyze networking packets.

Build a Command-Control Server

Command-and-control servers (C2) servers are used by attacker to maintain communications with compromised systems within a target network. Using your favorite programming language or using an open-source project, create a C2 server.