Deep Packet Inspection Project


Deep packet inspection is a type of data processing which inspects in detail the data being sent over a computer network. Depending on the details within the data, deep packet inspection (DPI) programs will allow, block, reroute, or log data being sent.

Use a DPI tool to identify and analyze data being sent across a network. Set up a virtual lab with two host machines, send data between the two devices while the DPI tool monitors the communication between each device.

Popular DPI Tools:

  • SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (trial version available)
  • Paessler Packet Sniffing with PRTG (trail version available)
  • OpManager
  • Netifyd
  • nDPI

Project Recommendations

It is recommended you have familiarity with the foundations of networking, the TCP/IP and OSI Model, network security architecture and attacks, use of virtualization software / hypervisor, and formidable research skills.

Recommended Level


Project Author Credit: Grant C.