Build a Cybersecurity Homelab


A cybersecurity homelab is a small-scale environment meant to simulate different components of a business network. Implementations of a homelab vary depending on the intended size, scale, and complexity of components. The majority of homelab environments are virtualized with virtualization software (e.x. Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Workstation Player, etc).

Research and plan a cybersecurity homelab build. Common technologies used in homelab environments include:

  • Windows Active Directory Directory Services
  • Workstations (Windows 10, Linux Distributions)
  • Windows and Linux servers
  • Firewalls
  • VPN services or servers
  • Vulnerability scanner
  • System Information Event Management (SIEM)
  • Email server

Perform additional research using the listed components from above, create a network typology graphic, using a free sketching tool (e.x., Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc), setup each service, connect all components together to simulate a network environment.

Project Recommendations

It is recommended you have familiarity with the foundations of networking, computers, cybersecurity fundamental concepts and technologies, use of virtualization software / hypervisor, and formidable research skills.

Recommended Level


Project Author Credit: Grant C.